Melatonin regulates circadian rhythm. Unlike higher dose Melatonin that leaves you groggy in the morning, Sleepy Magnesi-Om® supports slumber without the hangover.* The microdose of Phytomelatonin, extracted from plants, decreases duration to fall asleep.* Chelated, non-laxative Magnesium Bisglycinate and Gluconate support the body’s stress response and relaxation.* L-Theanine supports sleep quality.* This Melatonin and Magnesium sleep supplement instantly dissolves in water, tastes like organic blackberries, and has zero sugar.
A magic potion worth nerding out over:
“After first trying Magnesi-om I emailed Amanda (founder of Moon Juice) asking her why it helps so much and she told me "stress depletes magnesium – the three forms of magnesium I use are extremely bio available and cross the blood brain barrier and help to regulate the hypothalamus. In turn, the HPA axis- soothes your adrenals, nervous system, muscles and more. The l-theanine is an amino acid that gets your brain into alpha wave state. That’s also what happens when you meditate."
I can't say that I deeply understand all of the details here, but I will say this blend puts me to sleep like none other and I find I don't feel groggy in the morning.” - Ashley Merrill, Founder